Media Center
This Platform gives you an over view of the different activities alraedy done and the future prospects. Please click and check Our Activities Organization whose mission is to upgrade the living standard of rural/urban community in the target area by providing technical assistance to the small-scale farmers, water and sanitation for rural community. The Organization has its own written policies and procedures, e.g. financial policy, personnel policies and by laws etc..
Strives to ultimately see a healthy, stable and economical strong Somali society living in harmony and people respect the ideals of peace, good governance, rule Implementation, human rights Reservation, good health and sustainable resource management
Improved sustaining livelihood and health care for vulnerable communities in Somalia through environmental sound interventions while focusing on equity, health etc.
Human rights & Peace encouragement, Basic Community services Education, water resources, Health & Agriculture as well as women Empowerment).
Improve the protection of and respect for the human rights and dignity of vulnerable populations – with a special focus on IDPs, women, children and marginalized groups – through effective advocacy and the application of a rights-based approach across all sectors